Hubby and I spent the last year of our lives preparing our hearts and home for an adopted child. Finding out I was pregnant gave me such great joy and peace and yet, apart of me has been grieving for this adoption that I had spent countless hours preparing for. Now please don't read this wrong, I am overjoyed to be pregnant, I wanted so badly to be able to carry and nurse another baby again. But deep down, I had to grieve the loss of an adoption. Yet, our journey with adoption is not done, just on hold until we figure out what is next for our family.
Just like the process to adopt had me in constant prayer and study for direction and strength, this pregnancy has kept me in this place of complete trust and faith in God. My pregnancy with Landon was easy, I hardly had any morning sickness no major aches or pains, and at 38 weeks I went into labor. This time around things are a little different. At 7 weeks pregnant I started experiencing sever cramping and light bleeding, after 4 hours in urgent care we got to see the baby's heartbeat and were reassured that everything was okay. Just for safe measure the doctor had me taking things easy until the cramping went away. At 8 weeks I saw my OB who took me off all forms of exercise and lifting. By my 10 week informational appointment the cramping and bleeding had started again. I saw an on-call doctor who causally informed me that everything was fine but I could miscarry at any time and they might need to put me on bed rest (really lady?). All of this had me in a tailspin. I was stressed and worried and felt that my last chance at having a baby might be taken from me at any moment.
Once again, my loving and faithful husband pointed me back to the goodness of God. Meditating on the character of God and the knowledge of His perfect (not easy) plan. At my 12 weeks appointment my midwife (whom I love) also seemed concerned at the state of my pregnancy and suggested I continue to take it easy. However, by my 16 week appointment my midwife felt comfortable allowing me to go on short, easy walks and also permitted prenatal yoga stretches. I am now 19 weeks pregnant and feeling considerably good. We continue to pray for a healthy baby and for a full term pregnancy. As always, I would love and appreciate your prayers. Despite all the emotional ups and downs we have experience over the last few years, I can honestly say I am thankful for the trials and grateful I was given an opportunity for my faith to be grown!
We find out next week the gender of the baby, just in time for Thanksgiving!
We find out next week the gender of the baby, just in time for Thanksgiving!
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